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Everything posted by Yellowledbetter

  1. There only one thing that confuses the heck out of me. It's that ppl who actually know for a fact that bcgame is misleading the masses with smoke and mirrors. Are actually here at all. I swear everyday I bare witness to some poor guy or gal who has all this information bc the proof is in the plying. And they screen recorded the last 1000 hours, I just don't get that. When someone writes a remarkable article about the probability of you walking away with the loot or not. It's a scheem. If this establishment is all these things what are these ppl sticking around for. I know one thing. If I buy a Ford off the lot brand new and it dont start up on the next ride. I'm buying a Chevy. If you hang out at the barbra shop I bet eventually your gonna get a hair cut. That being said this is a casino and the house always wins. I'm 0n a loosing streak right now and it's been weeks with no end in sight. But at the end of the day I come for the international entertainment bc thats what we come for right. For the excitement.. I bet the high you get from losing 1000$ is a lot higher then the one you get from winning that. Actually I know this is true from experience.. it might not be what u want. But it hurts so good right. Anyways. ThankS for writing this. Really set the mindframe back into where it needs to be to win. I was seriously starting to wonder when the vibrations were gonna be coming my way again. And I feel better about the last few weeks now and the Debbie the downer I was becoming. The wins are gonna roll my way soon I just know it. My strategy for winning is simple. Rule 1 never play with money that u don't have and 2. It's about having fun not making a check. Good vibes out hood vibes in. I said it many times. I never saw someone winning who was angry or bitter, I my experience I always had a side on my face. And the money I play with is already gone mentally bf I even hit the ground in the casino. And if anyone wants proof of legitness. I'll send u my withdrawal pages. And I've had them back to back. To back. I've even been flagged while withdrawaling bc I u did 3 withdrawals in one day.
  2. Finding out what I'm made of and starting to live life for the first time at 42 years old.   Walked away from a 27 year drug habit to find out how hard life really is.     What a journey we are on.   I hope I can make the changes I need, to be a better person then who I have been.  

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    1. Yellowledbetter


      Im totally grateful today..  it's been since October 4th of 2020 since I did a shot of fent and died.  It's been a hellava ride since.    Funny.  I made more money when I was getting high.    But nothing can give u more pleasure then defeating the demon that's dragged you year after year for Ober half your life.   Today I love me.    I love life.  I come here for fun and this place has its moments but all in all.   This is my hang out spot.     So love yourself.  And remember to be grateful.  Gratitude is something you have to practice.   It's not just a feeling but an action that speaks only with the choices u make.  

      🏴‍☠️good vibrations my dudes🏴‍☠️

  3. First time doing the challenge thing so I hopr I do it right https://bc.game/#/sd/10WKPU5H36EDQR $$$$$$$ https://bc.game/#/sd/10WLIOM0FPWSNN
  4. Falling down in life is probably th single most important thing that we go through.   Be the feeling of getting back up is lik no other! 

    Good luck friends.    Your gonna win big today I feel it

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  5. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥hey you.   Yes you reading this💰💰💰💰 your gonna win today.  It's gonna be EPIC right here T BC.game ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨🔅

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  6. Bored  and trying to look at my forum profile but can't find it 

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  7. get paid in BTC  LTC ETH DODGE for playing games, download an app and try it for 1 min. Register at this website. And it's good pay not a fraction of a penny per..    22$ to play Vegas slots.   I did it I about an hour.   Didn't have to buy anything.     Best thing is u ca cash out anytime the threshold is .25 cents but the very first one is $2 I made 32$ on day one...$$



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  8. Love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage

    Cory Taylor 

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  9. So I don’t get it check in everyday and get eth. I’ve been coming to this website everyday for a long time. Since bf the big update that took the EOS bonus away for martingale script now your saying u can still get that bonus
  10. I lost a couple bills and I could use some positivity what the hell is a shitcode

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  11. What’s the word bomus. In there. I’m confused on everything lol
  12. Did we lose the regular bonus’s with the update?

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